Friday, August 10, 2007

Listen While I Work: My Top 10 for August 10, 2007

  1. "Get This Party Started" - Dame Shirley Bassey
  2. "Proud (Josh Harris Pride ReMix)" - Heather Small
  3. "Lovestoned / I Think She Knows" - Justin Timberlake
  4. "Rain Down Love" - Freemasons ft. Siedah Garrett
  5. "Heaven" - Bitter:Sweet
  6. "Your Kisses are Wasted on Me" - The Pipettes
  7. "One Wish" - Roxette
  8. "Show Me Love" - Ace of Base
  9. "Analogue" - A-Ha [@CD Universe]
  10. "Rehab" - Amy Winehouse

Green denotes new top 10 entry.
Song links will take you to the iTunes listing if you have iTunes on your computer

1 comment:

Rick Rockhill said...

hey there...first time visitor. I like your work very much. Fantastic