Saturday, March 31, 2007
On The Drawing Board: Down Came the Rain

What I'm Listening To - My top 10 iTunes 3/30/07
- "All Around the World (Life is Good)" - SUNLOVERZ
- "What Else Is There?" - Röyksopp
- "Alive (French Version)" - Kate Ryan (video - English version)
- "Love Oneself" - Andy Bell
- "Horny Pony" - Spektrum
- "My Love (Paul Oakenfold Mix)" - Justin Timberlake & T.I.
- "Breathe" - Madison Park
- "All Out of Love" - Jenna Drey
- "Here (In Your Arms)" - Hellogoodbye
- "Go!" - Jupiter Rising
Green denotes new entry.
If you have iTunes installed, clicking the song links will take you to the iTunes store preview.
Thursday, March 29, 2007
On The Drawing Board: A face in the Rain

I think I got the idea partly from the Cirque Eloise show, "Rain" I saw recently and partly from childhood memories of slides my Dad took of downtown Plattsburgh at night in the rain.
Wednesday, March 28, 2007
Books Books Books

I am happy to say that some folks have already gotten their copies. I wanted to share a few of the emails I've gotten. They made me very happy.
I received summer moved on today in the mail. I don't know what to say ,it's great just doesn't seem enough. I enjoyed looking at it and will leave it on my coffee table. Thank you so very much for the copy. I would have been very happy to pay for it. You are a very sweet person. I wish you all the best with it and all your artwork. I can say I own a couple of original works of art, when you become super rich and famous. Keep up the great work. I just had to tell you how much I love the book. thanks again.
Allan B.,
I sent him a complimentary copy since he was the first person to ever buy one of my prints (back in 2002) and has purchased a print of nearly every piece of art since.
Michael, Michael:
Your lovely book arrived today.
It is so much more awesome than I thought!
YOU are so damned talented (or should I say blessed). Your book is a
worthy and wonderful contribution to society.
I truly want to hug and hold you with that hug as my gift back to you and
it must be a cyber one at that (:(
Your book is well worth the wait and the cost - minuscule.
Hugs Man! 1 2 3
Larry F. ,
Congratulations! The book is superb! Received it today and couldn’t wait to open it up and see all your works of art in a larger size and in one place. The forwards were very good, but the art is the show!
Wish you had included your stories of each piece but know that space limits what you can do and the art is what is important.
Hope this book soon sells out!
Hugs and take care Michael !
Doug B.,
Sunday, March 25, 2007
Post-Publish Depression?
I am aware that I don't get overcome by euphoric joy at the 'big happy events'. I am happy and trying to take in the particular experience, but I don't have the super-bubbly feeling inside. When I reflect on my fondest moments, they are actually the little things: an afternoon walk or a quiet dinner and a movie on the couch with Edward; stopping for a coffee with Mark after we ship out prints, or an evening working on a pastel and listening to music.
I guess, if anything, that explains a lot of my artwork. It's those little moments I like, I treasure, I seek to capture.
But what's up with the gray cloud? Like I said, it's not a big problem. Perhaps it is normal?
Saturday, March 24, 2007
Listen While I Work
- "What Else Is There?" - Röyksopp
- "Love Oneself" - Andy Bell
- "All Around The World (Life is Good)" - SUNLOVERZ (video spotlight)
- "My Love (Paul Oakenfold Mix)" - Justin Timberlake & T.I.
- "Horny Pony" - Spektrum
- "Go!" - Jupiter Rising
- "Here (In Your Arms)" - Hellogoodbye
- "Open Up Your Eyes" - Sophie B. Hawkins
- "We're The Pet Shop Boys" - Robbie Williams & Pet Shop Boys
- "Alive" - Kate Ryan
If you have iTunes installed, clicking the song links will take you to the iTunes store preview.
Thursday, March 22, 2007
[2] magazine's Coverboys

They had recently contacted me about my book and wanted to do more of a feature rather than just a review. They interviewed me and I sent them some images. Seems they thought my "Buds" were the hottest couple in the issue.
The May/June issue goes on sale April 24.
Book to benefit AIDS Foundation

When more details on it's release come available I will let everyone know. If their is interest I may be able to offer it through my website.
Wednesday, March 21, 2007
A Huge Package!

Monday, March 19, 2007
Cirque Éloize - "Rain"
Yesterday Edward and I went to see “Cirque Eloize” in
Saturday, March 17, 2007
Listen While I Work
- "What Else Is There?" - Röyksopp
- "My Love (Paul Oakenfold Mix)" - Justin Timberlake & T.I.
- "Here (In Your Arms)" - Hellogoodbye
- "Love Oneself" - Andy Bell
- "Go!" - Jupiter Rising
- "I Wasn't Kidding" - Angie Stone
- "We're The Pet Shop Boys" - Robbie Williams & Pet Shop Boys
- "All Around the World (Life is Good)" - SUNLOVERZ
- "Horny Pony" - Spektrum
- "Open Up Your Eyes" - Sophie B. Hawkins
Green denotes new entry.
If you have iTunes installed, clicking the song links will take you to the iTunes store preview.
Customer Service vs. Customer Service
It’s true that you can’t please all of the people all of the time. I wish everyone could understand that concept, but there will always be a few who feel their wishes are more important than others. What I am referring to is customer who has bought a few open edition prints in the past and asked that I sign them. Just so you know I don’t offer open edition prints signed, because I do sign limited editions of prints. I went ahead and was nice enough to grant his request. I figured, it’s just a couple and it’s good to keep customers happy. He placed a few more orders, always buying the 13x19 prints, some were signed limited editions but others were not, though he’d always ask me to sign them. Finally I told him that I couldn't sign anymore. Here is the letter I sent explaining it.
Yes, I have in the past signed open
edition prints.
And when I get special requests like this I would be happy to oblige.
However it's complicated since I do offer Limited Edition Signed & Numbered
prints. By signing and numbering those it makes them a bit more 'special'
and so they are priced a bit higher.
Business wise, it's come to my attention that I can't very well justify
charging more for prints that are signed and numbered if I'm going to sign
the others too. If I start signing all the open editions as well, it
diminishes the uniqueness of the limited edition. Some collectors want only
the limited editions because of that uniqueness. It's up to the buyer as to
whether they are more interested in a signed limited edition print or if
they just want a certain size.
All my prints are offered in an 8.5 x 11 size and a 13 x 19 size. When I
release a new work I select which one of those sizes to be the signed and
numbered limited edition of that print.
I will go ahead and sign [this print] because you've been a good customer, but if what you want most in the future are signed prints you'll need to purchase the limited editions.
I found him selling some of the prints he purchased on eBay. He states that he LOVES my work and recommends it to others. Yet, he says that because I won’t sign every (open edition) print he buys he’s vowed to never buy from me again. Oh, well. I am willing to lose one customer in order to maintain credibility amongst the rest of the collectors. Perhaps I have too strong a sense of fairness, but I think everyone should have the same opportunity and pay the same amount for a signed print.
Thursday, March 15, 2007
Tuesday, March 13, 2007
On The Drawing Board: Going Down

As completion approaches I am mulling over titles for it...nothing yet. As much as I enjoyed the "Name the Art" contest I did in January, I don't think I am ready to sponsor another one. So I'll I will keep hope that something will come to me.
Be All That You Can Be - 'cept if your gay, then just keep quiet

The chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff said Monday he considers homosexuality to be immoral and the military should not condone it by allowing gay personnel to serve openly, the Chicago Tribune reported.
Marine Gen. Peter Pace likened homosexuality to adultery, which he said was also immoral. "I believe homosexual acts between two individuals are immoral and that we should not condone immoral acts," Pace said. This all comes as a bill to repeal “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” is set to be debated in Congress.
What’s wrong with Pace’s is statement is his ignorance of homosexuality. Before he goes off passing judgment he needs to be knowledgeable about what he talking about. It is NOT merely something you do it’s something you are. Yes, it’s a conscious decision to engage in a homosexual act, but is not a decision to BE gay. That would be like labeling a heterosexual person immoral for engaging in heterosexual sex.
To deny someone the right to “be all that they can be”, is in my book immoral.
Morality is a system of ideas of right and wrong conduct. Conduct covers things such as say, adultery, cheating, lying to mislead a country into war, and segregating others based on some physical attribute. Judging someone as immoral because they are gay is like judging someone as immoral because their hair is red, they have a great sense of humor, or they started puberty at 11 instead of 13. It’s a physical attribute not a manner of conduct.
Besides morality is each individuals personal code to live by, not something to project onto someone else.
Repeal “Don’t Ask Don’t Tell” now. It’s un-American and immoral.
Sunday, March 11, 2007
Repression Obsession
Remember the good ol’ days when you could see a gratuitous butt shot on network television ala "NYPD Blue", or the day that ‘ass’ could finally be uttered in prime time? It seemed at one point the
But at some point over the last few years it began to turn around. Those things once again are being stuffed under America's mattresses. Was it Janet Jackson’s notorious wardrobe ‘malfunction’ (though she was wearing a pastie), the rising power of sexually repressed conservative groups, or parents claiming to ‘protect’ their children when they really just wish to avoid parental responsibility and educate and talk about human anatomy and sexuality with their own kids.
Whatever the cause, the crusade to eradicate knowledge of genitalia from existence is approaching ridiculous. There is a commercial, (I forget what for), which shows some tourists in
At the same time the country seems preoccupied with sex, and internet porn is booming. While some would argue that pornography is the problem it really is just a byproduct. It’s been so ingrained in the national psyche that sex is ‘dirty’, ‘forbidden’ and ‘taboo’ and the human body (nude) is shameful, it’s no wonder that it is an obsession. Repression breeds obsession. Hopefully the cycle will turn once again and someday people will have a healthier perception of sex, and a better appreciation of the human body in all its glory.
Saturday, March 10, 2007
My Top 10 iTunes for 3/9/07
- "My Love (Paul Oakenfold Mix)" - Justin Timberlake & T.I.
- "Here (In Your Arms)" - Hellogoodbye
- "We're The Pet Shop Boys" - Robbie Williams & Pet Shop Boys
- "Open Up Your Eyes" - Sophie B. Hawkins
- "100 Stories" - Andrea Burns
- "I Wasn't Kidding" - Angie Stone
- "Playgirl" - Ladytron
- "Go!" - Jupiter Rising
- "Love Oneself" - Andy Bell
- "What Else Is There?"- Röyksopp (video spotlight)
If you have iTunes installed, clicking the song links will take you to the iTunes store preview.
On The Drawing Board: Red Shift

It's definitely moving in the right direction and I am MUCH happier with how it looks today. Not quite where I want it yet, something about his right eye needs adjusting.
Well time to get to work...
Friday, March 09, 2007
Wednesday, March 07, 2007
On The Drawing Board: Seeing Red

The more I thought about it though the more I liked the idea. I remember a fraternal set of red haired twins from high school that were a couple grades ahead of me and both kind of hot.
Running with that inspiration I came up with this concept for my latest work: a hunky Irish rugby player stripped and hanging out in a locker room.
Quite a bit of work ahead of me as you can tell, but I see plenty of potential.
Tuesday, March 06, 2007
"Summer Moved On" Reviewed

The Stonewall News serves the GLBTQA community of the Pacific Northwest. You can visit their website at www.stonewallnews.net or go directly to the latest issue which is provided free as a .pdf file. The review of the book is on page 9.
Monday, March 05, 2007
Magazine Promo

Männer Aktuel is a German gay mens magazine published by Bruno Gmünder Verlag, my publisher, and brunos.de is their internet store.
I'm gonna be a hit in Germany, just like David Hasselhoff! :-)
Friday, March 02, 2007
My Top 10 iTunes for March 2, 2007
- "Here (In Your Arms)" - Hellogoodbye
- "My Love (Paul Oakenfold Mix)" - Justin Timberlake & T.I.
- "Playgirl - Ladytron
- "We're The Pet Shop Boys" - Robbie Williams & Pet Shop Boys
- "By The Way" - Jenna Drey
- "Open Up Your Eyes" - Sophie B. Hawkins
- "100 Stories" - Andrea Burns
- "Soul on Ice" - Yello
- "Beautiful Morning" - Ace of Base
- "I Wasn't Kidding" - Angie Stone
Green indicates new top 10 entry.
Links will take you to the iTunes store listing if you have iTunes installed.