Thursday, January 11, 2007

BEAU and the Beautiful

When I first started drawing male nudes, or rather drawing naked men (‘male nudes’ sounds so studious and classical) I wasn’t really aware of who else was doing this. Not to say that I thought I was the only one, but I had no idea who the artists were in this field past or present. It’s not something that you could research easily before the rise of the internet. Overtime I’ve had the pleasure of discovering and continue to discover the very talented community of gay/homo-erotic artists. One such artist that has stood out in my mind since I first saw his work is BEAU. There are many artists who I enjoy and who do wonderful work. But BEAU is one of the few that I would put on my ‘who inspires me’ list. I find myself not just looking at his paintings but absorbing them. His depictions are fevered and passionate. His men enjoy being men as much as they enjoy sex.

I recently got an email from the man better known as BEAU, which was, well for me, really awesome. I’ve enjoyed getting to know him a little by emailing back and forth. He’s an easy-going, down to earth (though he denies it), personable guy. I wanted to introduce you to his work if you haven’t stumbled across it on your own. A few pieces can be seen at If you have the book “Stripped” he’s in there too. He also has two books of his art published by Bruno Gmünder, “BEAUMEN” and “BEAUMEN 2”.

His upcoming third book, “BEAUPHOTOS”, will exhibit the latest evolution in his career, as you might assume, that of a photographer. He doesn’t paint anymore, a result of a bad accident five years ago. He may not have the dexterity in his hands to paint but with his eye for raw masculinity and unbridled sex I am sure BEAU’s photos will be a treat.

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