It's a just for fun satirical virtual reality game blog in the vain of
The Apprentice or
I'm a Celebrity Get Me Out of Here. However the 'contestants' here are among the most distasteful, obnoxious, overexposed or just rub you the wrong way personalities around. Okay, so that's not very different from actual reality shows.
Each week, you the visitor, vote for the people you wish to leave stranded on Mars. At the end of the week the person with the least votes against them gets a seat on the ship back to Earth. But there aren't enough seats to go around. A new round begins each week until you the voters decide who to...
Strand on MarsSeries one castaways include: Ann Coulter, Joe Jonas, Dr. Phil McGraw, Glenn Beck, Rachel Ray, Levi Johnston, Miley Cyrus, Michael Vick, Reese Witherspoon and Elisabeth Hasselbeck.