Ok that may be overstating things. But if lame duck Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney is going to present himself as patriotic and pro-children then he better take another look at himself. Romney, has decided to rally support for his Presidential campaign by appealing to bigotry by using same-sex marriage and children as his maypole.
Romney against AmericaHe may disagree but America’s core foundation, the pricipal's it was founded on, are freedom and equality for all, regardless of class, race, religion, disablities etc. If two consenting adults wish to marry, it does not harm or affect anyone else if they are of the same sex. By excluding certain Americans the same rights and freedoms afforded others simply because of their gender is simply un-American.
Romney against childrenRomney recently said at a same-sex marriage rally,
“What (the judges) ignored is that marriage is not primarily about adults; marriage is about the nurturing and development of children. ... Every child deserves a mother and a father.” So, what about Romney’s oh so heartfelt concern for children? What about gay and lesbian children? Does he care about them? What message of nurturing development does banning same-sex marriage send to 12 or 14 year olds at that awkward stage of sexual discovery. It says, you are different and unacceptable; you are a sub citizen, its okay to ostracize you and exclude you. You are not worthy, America rejects your kind. What kind of damage does this do to a developing child? This is the message from someone who cares about children? I don’t think so. More like the selfish aspirations of a power hungry politician willing to harm children to get to the top. Marriage is not a prerequisite for being a parent. Nor does being a parent require you to be married. Marriage does not guarantee that children will be loved and nurtured by both or even one parent. If ‘every child deserves a mother and a father’ shouldn’t Romney also be campaigning to ban divorce for couples with children? Ah, but that would be unpopular, better he stick to hating the gays.