Friday, November 01, 2013

New Original & Print: "Bathed In Love"

Many people think of a bath simply as a waste of time and water when compared to the efficiency of a shower. But any bather will tell you, a soak in the tub isn't really about washing up. It's more about well being than hygiene. Throughout history the act of bathing has been ritualistic and very often a social activity. Sharing a bath with a special someone gives you time together without distractions (leave the tablet and smart phone in the other room) and it forces you into self exposure, vulnerability and intimacy. Sure, it may lead to other activities, but you can always take a shower after. 

My latest piece is also the first work in my upcoming exhibit (more on that below). While the original is available now for purchase through Lyman-Eyer, it must remain with the gallery until after my 2014 Summer show. 

Limited edition Gallery and Studio prints are available for purchase here at BREYETTE.COM.

1 comment:

Domingo HM62 said...

Lo maravilloso es admirar las obras que realiza y así también su personalidad por única en el mundo de la vida como ser humano.... le deseo éxito en todo lo que emprenda.....le dseo una y muy Feliz Navidad y un próspero Año Nuevo 2014.